Sing Space values Sing Space Musical Theatre Choirs bring people together to experience the joy of group singing. Our vibrant, welcoming community is built on our core values:
● We embrace the joy of singing together
● We welcome the wellbeing benefits of group singing.
● We value everyone and their contribution to our community Sing Space code of conduct Sing Space Musical Theatre Choirs offer members the opportunity to experience the joy of singing together. Choir members attend rehearsals of their own accord and are responsible for conducting themselves in a way that reflects the ethos and values of the Sing Space.
Please keep this in mind with every interaction and ensure that you:
● Treat everyone equally, with respect and dignity
● Respect the choir leader by actively listening and engaging in rehearsal, keeping talking to a minimum when the choir leader is teaching
● Respect the rehearsal and performance venue, equipment and resources
● Value everyone and their contribution
● Encourage others
● Listen to others’ contributions
● Respect everyone’s right to privacy
● Respect other members’ privacy, data and personal boundaries when using social media (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc) If you need to report an incident, please email enquiries@thesingspace.com to request a form. Please do not use social media/WhatsApp for this purpose. Not adhering to this code of conduct may result in termination of choir membership
The Sing Space Adult Safeguarding Policy is in place for all members of The Sing Space community, including choir leaders, choir members, The Sing Space staff, and volunteers (hereby known as The Sing Space Community).
The Sing Space believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status, ability, or disability (including mental or physical health needs, and those living with neurodiversity).
Failure to comply with the policy and related procedures will be addressed without delay and may result in dismissal or exclusion from the organisation.
Reasonable Duty of Care
Weekly rehearsals are held to prepare for The Sing Space’s musical activities. The Sing Space recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of those accessing any Sing Space choir and believes that everyone has the right to enjoy the activities of the choir in a happy, safe, and secure environment.
All The Sing Space choirs are run by choir leaders who are self-employed contractors of The Sing Space brand. Commitments of The Sing Space Headquarters The Sing Space are committed to meet all reasonable duty of care requirements for all The Sing Space Community and support The Sing Space choir leaders to adhere to the safeguarding adult’s policy and procedures. of The Sing Space uses safe recruitment practices and continually assesses the suitability The Sing Space choir leaders to prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals.
Commitments of The Sing Space Choir Leaders
The Sing Space choir leader's commitment to safeguarding adults is to meet all reasonable duty of care requirements to its choir members and to take concerns for the safety of an individual seriously, in accordance with the safeguarding adult’s policy and procedures.
Commitments of The Sing Space Choir Members
All members of The Sing Space choirs should be adults over the age of 18 and are responsible for their own actions and decisions during rehearsals, performances and social events related to The Sing Space Community
Let's start with why we encourage it...
We would LOVE you to be 'off book' because YOU will enjoy it so much more if the music is absorbed into your body and mind and you will sound amazing You can look up and see your conductor, and each other. You can focus on blend and performance. You can be 'in the moment' riding your songs like the best, most joyful, Musical Theatre rollercoaster of harmonies!
BUT.... What we ALSO want to say is that we don't know your individual pressures so - if there are personal, work or family reasons right now that mean that you can't learn the songs - then our priority is that you are LOVING choir, and feel happy.
This also applies to additional needs which we appreciate may make learning harder for you. In this case, do reach out to your choir leader or Mimi, our disabilities officer, at mimibrooks.agp@gmail.com and know you have our support.
These choirs are for YOU. The more you love it, the more we love working with you. (And, I FEEL you. See my video on Instagram of me trying in vain to learn our lyrics for a recent concert!!This was captured by my six year old.)
And here and some TIPS FOR LEARNING YOUR SONGS which we hope will help
1 - Practise with your singalong YouTube videos at www.singspacechoir.com
2 - Play on repeat as you do other things
3 - Add dance moves or gestures to get the music into your body
4 - Practise in small chunks. Identify the hard bits rather than trying to run the whole song every time.
5 - Play the songs before you go to bed so they are absorbed into your brain as you sleep
6 - Practise hard for as long as you can and do a “wakeful rest” or meditation which is proven to transfer the new information into your longer term memory. To do this, just close your eyes, empty your head and focus on the breath for a minute or so after every 20 minutes of practise.
7 - Sometimes sing with your own vocal lines and sometimes play the full mix of all vocal lines so you can feel the blend of voices around you
8 - Meet up with those in your part 15 mins before choir for an extra practise